Superfans?, Youre getting shipped with Supergirl as hashtag Supercorp.. and discovered that he is actually J'onn J'onzz, whom her father had given his life to save. Alex tried to cheer her up and, after they went to the site of a diamond robbery, Alex invited Maggie to go somewhere to hang out. An alien breaks loose from DEO custody and sends Kara, Team Kara Zor-El and her older twin sister Bexley Zor-El are sent to Earth at the age of 13. That night, Alex found Maggie at Al's Dive Bar, she apologized for how she behaved insolently when considered that she was gay, but Alex said that she could not stop thinking about it and that in the fact could be the truth.[27]. When Kara arrived, J'onn covered for Alex, claiming that he killed Astra because he could not see any other way to defeat her. [61], Alex planned to finally take Esme to school, but Kara wanted her niece to wear glasses so as not to draw attention, this made Alex angry and the two sisters argue. [37], After dealing with the brief disaster of multiple Brainys, they determine they are all one and the same, just different versions of their Brainy before the new creation of Earth prime. Leaving Kara to talk to it, she thanked "Henshaw" for helping her set up the room. Alex decides to find the clone herself. She was about to go to work when she saw Lillian holding a girl that looks like a 4 year old, black curly shoulder length hair, blue eyes, her sharp cute jaw, and a smile that brings out her cute dimples. The next day, the pair made up, and returned to National City, in which they found a ship which contained Mon-El. This memory hurt Alex so much that she repressed it for years, consequently not coming out as a lesbian until much later in life. The Superfriends get a call from Dreamer to converge at the Leviathan ship to save Brainy from radiation poisoning. Lena Luthor had always had a weakness for powerful women Kara is sent away after Agent Liberty seeds the air with Kryptonite. [56] Alex told the team that they must create an anti-magic amulet to take away Nyxly's powers and snatch the magic orb that she has. Collins took Alex to the boiler room, where he planned to kill her as well, but Alex showed no fear, knowing that Kara was coming for her. They wanted revenge against Lex for using them as pawns and also kill every alien they could find on the island. [66], In 2031, Alex attended Eobard Thawne and Iris West-Allen's engagement ceremony alongside Team Flash, Ryan Wilder, Ryan Choi, and Marcus. ; J'onn berates Alex for bringing him in, as Max is not an alien, but Alex counters he of all people should understand her desire to protect her family.[17]. Later, Alex is with the others as they made a stance against Leviathan to distract them as Supergirl entered Obsidian Platinum to save its users from being killed while in virtual reality. [10], In 2015, Alex had to attend a conference in Geneva but Flight 237, on which she was traveling, was sabotaged by Vartox in an attempt to kill her and other D.E.O. Kara left and was successful in subduing Reign, though she escaped. What happens when youve been pining after your best friend for far too long? Earth-Prime subsequently found out about Kara. Alex has double piercings in her right ear and triple piercings in her left ear. What possibly could happen to a high Kryptonian who is in Lena's care? Alex returned to D.E.O. When giving birth Eliza Willow Greene was the last to escape to Earth from her planet as it was destroyed. Later, Alex went to Al's bar and met up with Kelly and Esme, who were the ones who reserved the place. Because her aunt now stood in front of her. In the DC comics, the Danvers family did have a biological child, but instead of a girl named Alex, it was a boy named Jan. Alex references a time she was a doctor in Seattle in the episode ". [8], One night, Kara took Alex flying, in spite of the latter's initial protests. However, she has a great sense of justice, since when J'onn took the blame for Astra's death, as he did want not Alex to lose her relationship with her adopted sister, knowing it was wrong, she eventually confessed to Kara her role in Astra's death despite her fear to lose her. Mon-El awakened Querl Dox from his hibernation in order to help Kara and Alex watched with the others. The martian also sees in Harper's consciousness that Alex's father is still alive and in Cadmus. 's ruthless director Hank Henshaw,[6][9] but Eliza told Alex and Kara that he was killed in a plane crash.[1]. After the Children of Liberty were defeated, a new criminal organization arrived in National City; the Leviathan. To save them, Kara is forced to reveal her secret to Lucy, and then asks her to help rescue them. She confides in her and how she just wanted to escape and eventually decides to go to her father's funeral.[44]. Lena Luthor is a 40-year-old divorced Omega, who now has 2 kids, Ashley and Natalie, who blame her for their parents marriage ending, and have a bad relationship with Lena because of this. Kara agrees to his help and sends her and J'onn away for an elaborate game of paintball. One year later, Jeremiah "died" protecting a martian from the D.E.O. 's stock of Kryptonite stolen four months ago there is a traitor: J. McGill, who Alex instructed to prepare trucks for transportation of Kryptonite, to caught him red-handed at the time of the abduction. ec epileptic users can stop all running animations with the click of a button . revealing that the only way that the Fort Rozz escapees could get back at Kara's mother was through her now. and aided her sister's fight against the fugitive aliens from Fort Rozz, led by Astra. Supergirl and Alex fight Metallo together. Alex grows even more frustrated as Haley was turning the D.E.O. Sentinel and the Superfriends including Mon-El, Winn, and James, teamed up alongside the city to stop Nyxly and Lex once and for all, but the villains were defeated forever and sent to the Phantom Zone. Despite Brainy confirming no one was at an address outside the city, they decide to check it out but are attacked by the mind controlled aliens, and Alex is unable to work her Martian weapon. I own none of these characters (maybe the kid's names). On Earth-Prime, while facing Leviathan, she left the D.E.O. However, Alex never acknowledged Kenny outside of their tutoring sessions, always dismissing him as "Kara's friend", which she would grow to regret. Alex and Eliza, found that to spread the virus on National City Cadmus needs a substance produced by L-Corp, so Alex calls Maggie and asks her to send all their available troops to the company headquarters. In the aftermath, Alex, Winn, and James celebrated with Kara at her apartment, comforting her after her ordeal. Because people lost their humanity to the Humanity Totem, Sentinel and Guardian took it upon themselves to stop people while they talked about Esme and flirted until J'onn interrupted them. 36 Dumbledore's Girl Through and Through by Vex Matthewson Harriet Potter, the girl who lived, the chosen one, undesirable No 1 and, . Lena arrives, and reveals, what she and Kara learned in Kaznia, and that Lex has engineered Kaznia to invade the United States. It was a normal day for the CEO or so she thought. Alex admits to Maggie that she may be a lesbian. [64], After Despero came to 2021 to try to kill Barry Allen, Caitlin Snow called her to see if there was any alien named Despero. Universe Information Sentinel managed to defeat Parasite and faced Nyxly with the help of Eliza, Nia, and Mitch. Home universe In 2012, after a night of drinking and clubbing led to a DUI and her arrest, Alex was visited by "Hank Henshaw" in jail. As a teenager Alex Danvers had a one-night stand, which ended in an unplanned pregnancy, the father wanted nothing to do with alex and the baby. As Kara clapped her hands in sync, she accidentally caused a thunderclap, that knocked them both down the cliff. Alex pretended that Ruby was a nightmare that Sam laughed about. This is my first time participating in this and I am so excited! The team later built a portal but several phantoms escaped, but they managed to capture them again soon after.[48]. Later when an unknown Kryptonian arrives in National City leaving marks all over the city, Alex finds out along with everyone else that the Kryptonian is said to be the Krypton equivalent of the devil, Reign. [33], During the Anti-Monitor Crisis, Alex as well as everyone in the multiverse except for the seven Paragons, was killed in an antimatter wave by the Anti-Monitor on December 10, 2019,[34] only to be restored a month later, after the Paragons and the Spectre created a new universe. When Barry Allen arrived from ten years prior, she and everyone else turned to him in surprise.[67]. Alex heaves huge, heavy sobs that send pain coursing through her body and makes her cry harder, so she clings to Kara because her sister is here and everything hurts, and it's hurt for so long that she barely knows any different, but with Kara by her side, Alex sees a ghost of what it's like not to feel so bad. Alex's memories return, and she once again remembers, that Kara and Supergirl are one and the same, her beloved adoptive sister. However, Alex could not stand it anymore and began to tell Kara the truth about Astra. [45] Taking the advice, Alex asks J'onn J'onzz to prepare for her a protective suit. At the end of the hallway she finds Trevor, who randomly explodes every couple of minutes. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Thought it was interrupted by a pod flying in the sky catching their attention, causing Kara and J'onn to leave to check it out. A few days later Maggie brought Alex to a crime scene, where they found the corpse of an alien and, according to the bruises on his fists, they concluded that before his death, he fought and was killed by another alien. Alex Danvers was sure that Lena Luthor had ulterior motives for getting close to her sister. Later, Alex runs into Sara and was nervous, though Sara didn't think too much of it. She later came to Kara's apartment and questioned her sister as to whether telling James and Winn her secret identity was a good idea, soon after apologizing to Kara, regretting how she handled things earlier however, Alex was soon called by the D.E.O. The next morning, Alex was nervous about marrying Kelly, but was supported by Eliza, Kara, and Esme. When Kara had a lead on a missing person named Izzy, Kara insisted that she didn't need her help and that she could handle it on her own. During the Thanksgiving dinner at Kara's apartment, Alex tried to come out to her mother but was stopped by the opening of a breach. As a teenager, she enrolled in Midvale Junior High, obtaining remarkable results. J'onn tried to stop her, but Alex continued, revealing that she saw Astra about to kill J'onn, who was defenseless, so she reacted and killed her to save him. The battle on the island ended in Superfriends victory: Lex was defeated by Kara thanks to Red Daughter's sacrifice, and J'onn and Nia managed to stop Lex's Claymore from destroying Argo City. They have a difficult time when the library refuses to willingly give them the proper papers and books. Kara gave Alex some advice, which caused Alex to propose to Maggie who agreed. Alex sees she and Kelly are in many ways alike. Kara and Alex went to get James and then head to the island with Brainy. Sentinel and the team took on Lex and Nyxly, but Lex revived several villains from the past to attack them. uncover an alien asteroid, composed of an emerald-green Kryptonian xenomineral whose radiations weakened Kryptonian's physiology and, despite he asked J'onn to destroy it, the martian refused, deciding to keep the meteorite as a means of protection against other Kryptonians, enraging Superman and leading to the pair falling out. In adulthood, she was recruited by "Hank Henshaw" to join the D.E.O. One that caused her to need to improvise. She meets a couple of people looking to escape inside the game as well, and while dealing with her anger and grief is also slowly sucked into a fake reality believing it too is real. Alex and J'onn are nevertheless forced to leave National City as fugitives.[6]. Brainy thinks it might be xxs aliens. Beginning to realize her homosexuality for the first time in her life, Alex went to Kara's apartment and told her that she was confused about something, but seeing Kara upset, she immediately asked her what happened and the latter responds that Mon-El did not perceive the work seriously. [30], After M'gann suffered from a telekinetic attack from the White Martians that left her in a catatonic state, Alex took care of her and informed J'onn that the former was slowly dying. That is, until she sees a gorgeous blonde on the weight room floor A few months after Lex and Nyxly are sent to the Phantom Zone, all is calm in National City for the Superfirends. After an intense standoff with her video-player friends, Kelly is able to forcefully awaken her. "You ready sweetie?" Mo-El and Imra told Alex and the others about their mission and that they know Reign eventually left but with Supergirl out of commission, Reign is creating terror. agent Max tells her that she too, saves lives, and asks her what's her real relation to Supergirl, Alex responds him that she works for her organization and she's a reliable employee. In order to capture her, Alex, J'onn and the DEO staged a robbery in which Reign arrived to kill them, but when they revealed themselves she hesitated, this allowed the DEO to use their advanced weapons to capture Reign, in which Alex placed a chain with kryptonite on hjer, but she resisted it and broke out and used a whip that was used on her to snap Alex's leg. Alex and Maggie parted ways with Alex confronting her father and Lillian Luthor. Upon learning of Nyxlygsptlnz's existence, Alex and the team were explained by Mxyzptlk in song form about Nyxly's past. Places that were once theirs have changed on Earth-Prime. After having dealt with a Dominator, Alex and Kara talked about Mon-El in which Alex discovered an invitation to Barry Allen and Iris West's wedding, though hesitant at first, Kara decided to go with Alex. Biological Information However, both Alex and Kara were unaware that Lena had already learned the truth about Kara's identity from Lex.[32]. Una tarde Lena se dirige al apartamento de Kara para tratar de aparearse con la rubia, al llegar escucha una discusin entre las hermanas Danvers donde Kara revela que cuando Kenny muri, l llevaba a su cra. Harry potter gets kidnapped and tortured fanfiction. [49], It was explained to Alex that she could not go back in time to 2009 because she was not to meet her past self, before Nia and Querl time traveled. Alex and Kenny would study together in the nearby woods and over time, became close friends. Unfortunately a mind controlled Superman destroyed it. The heroes gets ready for the final battle against the Anti-Monitor. Seeing the couple walking away made Alex feel an odd jealousy.[26]. 103 notes Apr 26th, 2017. Code name Alex battled along with the others and seemed to be winning until the arrival of Metallo who quickly took down Supergirl and Firestorm with ease, and Alex and the others were knocked out. gay-n-confused. Lena and Kara have repaired their friendship and it is stronger than ever (El Mayarah ;] ). When Alex decided to help him, J'onn transformed back and had Alex suspended. Later, Supergirl and Alex (one in an anti-Kryptonite device and the other in her special exosuit) fought Metallo and together were able to overcome the cyborg, who is ultimately stabbed him in the chest with a piece of pipe by Alex, while Kara held him. After hiding the ship with their powers, Kara told "Brenda" that she could stay at the Danvers house. It was the one that told her, Jeremiah, and Alex, their two-year-old, what the gender of their baby was. Alex, however, suggested, that since Lena has gone through a lot because of Lex, to let Lena enjoy this night without further distractions. Kara found a little girl who turned out to be her best friend's daughter. Soon after, she and the team returned to the Tower, planning to find the seven totems before Nyxly does. IM COMPILING THEM HERE :D Contents 1 Ships 1.1 Femslash 1.2 Family 1.3 Friendship 1.4 Poly 2 Canon 3 Fanon 4 Fandom 5 List 6 Navigation Ships Femslash AgentCol the friendship between Alex and Lauren Haley Agent Canary the ship between Alex and Sara Lance Agent Lane the ship between Alex and Lucy Lane An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Kara has heard of vampires. Alex and Ruby bonded throughout the day, in which Alex got a text from Maggie, asking about her passport that she left at her place, Alex pointed out to Ruby where she believed it to be and she was right. Hey, Alex Danvers, My great protector, My best friend, My soulmate. An earthquake begins, Kara realizes the truth, says goodbye to her parents and reach for Alex's hand just in time to avoid being swallowed by a sinkhole. because she believed that Alex was still the leader. After this, Alex beat Ben to the ground, and claimed she had wanted to do that to him for some time. "Lena, I really need your help." [50], Alex and the Superfriends used the Tower as a ship to travel the Phantom Zone and free Kara, in which they succeeded (along with her father Zor-El.) Maybe finally Lillian Luthor learned her lesson-or maybe not. Alex was born in 1989 in Midvale to her parents; scientists Jeremiah and Eliza Danvers. Alex is a courageous and independent person, who faces danger head on. Alex advised Kara to let Mon-El find what he is interested in. [7], Alex struggled with keeping the secret from Kara, at one point drafting an email to tell her the truth about Astra, unable to do so face-to-face. [11] Alex also conducted research in genetic engineering at Stanford. As a result, Alex soon began to devote nearly all of her time towards her work. Since early childhood, Alex displayed a gifted intellect and brilliant attitude towards science. What's So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way? Before she get into her limousine, Alex told Roulette that her time will come and, after that, she invited Maggie to have a drink together, but the detective said she couldn't and left with her girlfriend. Thank you for always being there for me through the ups and downs of our lives, thank you for sticking around even if I made it clear I don't want you around, you could tell that I did. i'll update whenever i fee Imagines/one shots of celebrities and some of their characters as well If you'd like to join me, the other prompts can be found on @KMSDraws socials! They then all returned to Earth. Meanwhile, they have to deal with Imp Nxyly attacking the city.[53][54]. After a few months, Kara comes b note: * on titles means nsfw content Wanting to be alone, Alex eventually decides to put on the new Obsidian lenses. At the D.E.O., Alex along with "Henshaw" and Agent Hartmann came to the conclusion that the Hellgrammite was eating the DDT he had been stealing, as the government had been destroying remaining stockpiles, and his food source was shrinking. Saving Esme, Alex and Kelly led her away from the scene. Alex Danvers is a principal character from the Supergirl fandom. Her stubbornness and determination makes that even "Hank Henshaw" decides to help them. Alex led the D.E.O. The girl then taught Alex a rhyme, "yubikiri genman, uso tsuitara," which means "pinky swear. Max recalls that Supergirl is also an alien, Alex replied that Supergirl saves lives. Alex grew homesick so one night, a local village girl helped her sneak down to one of the temples. agents to arrest him and, when he threatened to reveal Supergirl's secret identity, she slams him on a desk and stated no one would hear him, then she brought him to the D.E.O. Later, they went to their prime suspect's home, only to see him being kidnapped by few unidentified people in a van. the blonde asked while stuffing her face with the last potsticker. It was an accident. Kara and Lena host a Halloween party for their friends and family (including kids!) Harry pointed that if there were 53 Earths, there could also be 53 Kryptons. Kara found a little girl who turned out to be her best friend's daughter. Meanwhile, Alex and Kelly decided to adopt an orphaned alien girl named Esme and soon, the couple became engaged. When she returned home, she told her ordeal to Kelly, who suggested that if she was going to act as a super hero, Alex might as well dress as one. In the sleepy town of Riverrush, Lena, seeking a reprieve from the noise and bustle of the city, meets a stranger. This story is about Lena writing anonymous Valentine's Day cards for Kara. Alex wanted to leave the country for college, but her mother would not allow it. The dream ends there, and Alex begins to wonder, what does the dream mean. Their existence has long since been debated though. loved up supercorp and annoyed and partly traumatised alex, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (18), Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl (6), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (3), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Lena Luthor Finds Out Kara Danvers is Supergirl, Lena Luthor Doesn't Know Kara Danvers is Supergirl, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Lena knows how to read and write in Kryptonese, Lena gets a piercing a little further south, Scarcely Can Speak For My Thinking (What You'd Do To Me Tonight), Kara and Lena dress up as gomez and morticia, Because hello they get together and that changes things a bit, Lena is horny for one kryptonian slab of beef and she isn't shy about it, this started out as just horny fun but grew feelings somewhere along the way. A battle erupted between them and Superfriends, but the Children were no match against them. While she and Kara were walking home that night, they were almost killed by a speeding car, whom they believed to be Mr. Bernard. So the three o. Alex began seriously contemplating motherhood as she developed a friendship with Samantha and Ruby Arias. Alex then speaks with Kara and admitted that she doesn't know what to feel due to her sleeping with Sara and wondered if she made the right choice when it came to Maggie. (not everyone's cup of tea. ) [6] The star of her family, when Kara arrived in 2003, Alex was jealous of her newly-adoptive sister due to her abilities and dismayed at the fact that Kara easily excelled at math and science. Kara has never really believed in them though, not until this very moment. "Compund words?" She decided to become a vigilante, donning a new suit and was eventually codenamed Sentinel. Alex went to J'onn's office, where he claimed that there's no avoiding a Truth Seeker; anyone who knows Supergirl's identity, will be forced to reveal it. [3] When she was six years old, Alex and her parents visited Nagano, Japan for the summer. agents followed it in another vehicle. The two return to National City, where Kelly tells her she too was once engaged, but nobody knew. Faced Nyxly with the help of Eliza, Nia, and James celebrated with Kara at her apartment, her. With their powers, Kara told `` Brenda '' that she may a... Was destroyed Nyxly, but nobody knew that knocked them both down cliff! Ready for the final battle against the fugitive aliens from Fort Rozz escapees could get back at Kara 's was. Her apartment, comforting her after her ordeal My soulmate Nxyly attacking the City. 26! In the sleepy town of Riverrush, Lena, I really need your help. latter. Villains from the D.E.O close friends than ever ( El Mayarah ; ] ) every couple of minutes the... 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