He first appeared in Moving Pictures. Due to his nature, even before this, Death could not see him, as he lies outside of Death's influence. (In Cockney rhyming slang, the expected derivation would be "syrup of figs.") Lu-Tze has a more substantial role in Thief of Time, in which we learn that he is not a monk at all, but "merely" a sweeper at the Monastery of Oi-Dong. In the Cosgrove Hall animation of Soul Music, Mort is voiced by Neil Morrissey. In Thief of Time it turns out that this was started by Lu-Tze, who spent some time lodging with her, and has a much better understanding of the Way of Mrs Cosmopilite than the monks who followed; he wrote down many of her sayings as guides by which to live his life. In Raising Steam, Adora and Moist are married and living in Scoone Avenue, Ankh. It is stated on several occasions that Jackrum should have actually retired long ago, with his official resignation papers constantly following him around by mail, but he always finds some excuse to get out of them; at one point in the book, he resigns his commission so that he can brutally assault an enemy soldier without dealing with military protocol and is subsequently re-enlisted afterwards. In Raising Steam, he develops a childlike interest in the newly-emergent railway, wishing to spend more time aboard Iron Girder, the Discworld's first steam locomotive. During the last years of his reign, he was extremely paranoid, albeit with good reason. Hrun's separation from Liessa and his enrolment in a Watch unit are not altogether surprising: late on in the Discworld timeline, barbarians and mythical creatures are dying out due to the modernisation of the world, leading them to either fade from existence or have to enroll into society. In Men at Arms, he was mentioned as having a cruet set designed by "Bloody Stupid" Johnson (where, due to Johnson's ineptitude with geometry meant that they are used as storage silos), and in Feet of Clay, he was mentioned to have made his horse a city councillor. He is also one of the three founders of Morecombe, Slant, and Honeyplace, Ankh Morpork's leading legal practice. Liessa is never seen or mentioned after this. He and Laddie blow up the Odium picture-throwing pit during the disrupted premiere of Blown Away to kill a creature from the Dungeon Dimensions and the destroy the portal created by the "click"; being left for dead, he climbs out of the wreckage and reverts to being a normal dog when the Holy Wood Dream ends. In this novel he seems to have keen political instincts; it is stated that the Rusts have survived by not being romantic. His cough is described as sounding 'almost solid'. "[9] Another good example of Tacticus' sense of pragmatism would be his maxim "It is always useful to face an enemy who is prepared to die for his country. Before he can accept the "proposal", Rincewind and Twoflower riding upon Twoflower's conjured dragon Ninereeds, snatch up Hrun in a rescue attempt and fly away with him. It is generally said that if a D'reg is one's friend he is one's friend for the rest of one's life, and if he is not one's friend the rest of one's life will be about five seconds; to still be alive five minutes after meeting a D'reg tribe is a clear indication that they really like one. She chose her false name, Oliver, because it corresponded with the folksong "Sweet Polly Oliver", which is about a girl running off to join the army. His most famous housing project, Empirical Crescent, tends to drive residents insane if they do not move out quickly or simply disappear. In fact, he uses the same trick (that no-one notices a sweeper) in the monastery as he does when out in the world, and has learnt as much about the nature of time as some of the higher monks simply by tidying up the classrooms. Category:Discworld humanoid species. Also notable is his method of dealing with unpleasant occurrences. First appearing in Soul Music, Hex is an elaborate, magic-powered, self-building computer (not unlike the 'shamble', a kind of magical device used by the Witches of the Discworld) featuring ants and cheese as part of its architecture, and is housed in the basement of the High Energy Magic Building at the Unseen University (UU) in the twin city of Ankh-Morpork. The daughter of Robert Dearheart, founder of the Grand Trunk Semaphore Company, Adora Belle Dearheart appears in Going Postal, Making Money and Raising Steam, she is a cynical, angry heavy smoker. After fusing with Jeremy, Lobsang inherited all of Time's powers (though due to his inexperience he needs "time" to recharge them initially) and eventually takes over her role. Indeed, he once said he was best at 'selling ideas.' He meets Rincewind in Bel Shamharoth's lair, and aids his escape. Because their code demands it, assassins have to tell their victim their name and who sent themVetinari answered "think of me as your future" and "the city" respectively (indicating that Vetinari already planned to become Patrician some day). Afterwards he was sent to and raised in the Temple, where he confounded his teachers by knowing too much, but not knowing how he knows it, and even then not knowing that he knows it till he is asked the specific question. Liessa catches Hrun on her own dragon, and the couple share a passionate kiss. In The Light Fantastic, Cohen helps the other two protagonists, Rincewind and Twoflower, save a seventeen-year-old girl named Bethan, who was to be offered as a sacrifice. Feet of Clay The Fifth Elephant Guards! Pratchett has stated on Twitter that she is married to William de Worde, retaining her maiden name for professional purposes.[8]. Lucky Hank | March 19th, 2023. He is also known for having undergone a long and perilous journey home after the war, much like his Roundworld equivalent. Appears in the book Unseen Academicals. The granddaughter of the chief cook at the Assassin's Guild, she has inherited a large number of secret recipes from her. The man who introduced the world to the concept of "wholesale" destruction, Cohen is the Discworld's greatest warrior hero, renowned across the Disc for his exploits rescuing maidens, destroying the mad high priests of dark cults, looting ancient ruins, and so on. Harry ends up betraying the Horde (as a villain, it is his job), though when the horde confronts him about his betrayal they praise him for still being a reliable Dark Lord even at the end. People send him small sums so that he will not turn up at their parties and ask them to look at his interesting collection of skin diseases. After murdering Pseudopolitan watchman John Keel (forcing Vimes to assume his identity and role as mentor to his younger self), Carcer climbs through the ranks of the Unmentionables, Homicidal Lord Winder's secret police, until he is brought back to the present by Vimes after pursuing him with a death squad under the orders of the new Patrician, Lord Snapcase. A few years later, Lewton decided to pick himself up, forget about Ilsa and the rest of his past and start a new life. He is the undisputed head of any legal action in the city and is one of the major members of the civil council. Her establishment is used as a place to stay by Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg in Maskerade (on the recommendation of 'Nev' Ogg, though Granny Weatherwax had stayed there previously with Eskarina Smith in Equal Rites) and by Carrot on first settling in Ankh-Morpork (in Guards! People to whom Lu-Tze was a vaguely glimpsed figure behind a very slow broom would have been surprised at his turn of speed, especially in a man six thousand years old who ate nothing but brown rice and drank only green tea with a knob of rancid butter in it (p.317). His "sonkies" (condoms), as they are generally known, sell for a penny a packet. The timeline in which this happened has, however, been eradicated following Death's intervention, and he was last seen working in a fried fish stall in Quirm, a clear reference to Kirsty MacColl's song "There's a Guy Works Down the Chip Shop Swears He's Elvis". Reforming the Church along tolerant, humanist lines, he reigns for a hundred years before dying. This replaces, at his wife's insistence, the original: "H. King, taking the piss since 1961." He also appears in the Discworld computer game. The place where he lived had been in the middle of a war zone. Dr Lawn's preferred method of dealing with the nursing staff is to throw a handful of chocolates in one direction and run in the other as fast as possible. It appears that he remains at the bank though, in an attempt to honour his clown heritage, he returns to work wearing a red nose. Mr Tulip is, along with Mr Pin, a member of the New Firm, a duo of interloping criminals in The Truth. Discworld is a point-and-click adventure game, developed by Teeny Weeny Games and Perfect 10 Productions, and based upon Terry Pratchett 's novels of the same name. Lewton was once a member of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch (sometime before the books). A very old man in a cheap wig, Groat had spent most of his career in the Post Office as a Junior Postman, since until von Lipwig's arrival none of the other Postmasters appointed by Lord Vetinari had survived long enough to promote him. He simply mentally edits them out. He films several movies with Ginger Withel (aka Delores De Syn), and eventually uses the magic of Holy Wood to defeat the Things from the Dungeon Dimensions with Ginger's help. Death, perplexed at the concept of a soul having a strong but completely vague belief, allows him to reincarnate as a woodworm. Despite her profession, she is as humble as a caterpillar, and has about as much brains. It has been noted that many Ankh-Morporkians tend to have a certain literal mindedness. A doctor in Ankh-Morpork. However, given how well the Queen got on with the elder Fool, there is another interpretation. A member noted for being completely legless. Guards! 1. At the end of the book Verence I's hidden heir, Tomjon, rejects the throne. Harry keeps ferocious mongrel guard dogs on his property. At the end of the book, Polly has left the army, but rejoins as a sergeant when Borogravia is invaded again. This may be because of Snapcase's mental disorder, which caused him to be very secretive while trying to spy on everyone else. He comes to a rather sticky end when he is impaled by the desk spike of William de Worde in the offices of The Ankh-Morpork Times after being trapped in a cellar with molten lead raining from the ceiling as the building burned, killing Mr Tulip to use his body as a raft and to steal his potato (which he believed granted its possessor a path to reincarnation). He used to be one of the more obsessive of Ankh-Morpork's large number of pin collectors (called 'pinheads'), to the point that all the other collectors thought he was "a bit weird about pins". He also wears a sign saying "For sum muny I wont follo yu hom". Perhaps my favourite book. When at one point the far-flung city of Genua, whose royal family had interbred itself into extinction (the last king having tried to continue the royal bloodline with himself), asked Ankh-Morpork for a Duke, Tacticus was promoted and sent there. Having apprenticed his nephew Urn as a philosopher, they frequently argue over the merits of natural philosophy, specifically Urn's development of steam power. She was last seen in an amorous relationship with Nijel the Destroyer. He also gave free treatment to those who needed it, including those who had been tortured by the Cable Street Particulars. Period. Eventually this caught the attention of the Bursar, who arranged for Victor to receive a special test consisting of only one question: "What is your name?" He also has a sort of appearance in Nanny Ogg's Cookbook, in the form of a series of memos drawn to appear pinned to some of the pages. C K (Caimh) McDonnell is a former stand-up comedian and TV writer. Jingo Men At Arms Night Watch Snuff Thud! Although this world may appear completely different to our own, the Discworld novels explore a multitude of very human issues. They fall in love, mainly owing to Bethan's patience and skill at curing Cohen's back problems, and decide to get married, despite Rincewind's apprehensions about their age difference. Mort is described as being very tall and skinny, with muscles like knots in string. Similarly, the phrase "her face launched a thousand ships" could only be used to describe a beautiful woman if relevant shipyard records were produced or, failing that, evidence that the woman's face resembled a champagne bottle. On arriving at the Great Desert he tries to use his phrenological skills to determine Death's character, only to find that Death has no characteristics he can measure. His obsession with his own security left him no time to govern or affect history. Although one of the most popular philosophers of all time, Didactylos never earns the respect of his fellow philosophers, due to the fact that he thinks 'about the wrong things'. Since his campaigns were as expensive as they were effective, the rulers of Ankh-Morpork tried to get rid of Tacticus in a respectful and appropriate way. William de Worde described him as someone with "no discernible personality." History of the World Part 2 | Trailer | Hulu. She was completely innocent about sex, and was completely unaware that her job could be considered "acting like a floozy"; in the end, Angua and Sally explain the facts of, well, everything. After the rather unsuccessful attempt, he and his friends escaped on the backs of horses belonging to the Valkyries and rode into the sky, seeking to explore the outside of space. Adora Belle Dearheart mentioned that Gilt's long-term plans involved establishing himself as Havelock Vetinari's successor as Patrician. The Colour of Magic. After the time crash he goes out into the world to stop the second Glass Clock (under the pretext of being shown the Way of Mrs Cosmopilite), which was being constructed by his then unknown temporal double, Jeremy Clockson. A Borogravian girl of 16 who joined the army under the name Oliver Perks to rescue her brother Paul and save her family's inn. He is made an Omnian bishop by Brutha, the Cenobiarch and Eighth Prophet. Rosemary Palm is similar to real-life brothel owner, Lou Graham, whose employees were officially accredited as "Seamstresses". The Witches Discworld's witches, based around the rural and mostly vertical kingdom of Lancre, deliver babies, treat warts and keep an eye on troublesome kings, vampires or incursions from other worlds, which they do not hold with. Cohen does mention that he has been married before, however. The last mention of Queen Keli comes from Raising Steam, when she is noted to be at the opening of the new Rail Line between Sto Lat and Ankh-Morpork. She wishes to be a hairdresser, but Discworld-style genetics keep getting in the way, causing her to instinctively kill people who threaten her. A character named C!Mot is briefly mentioned in The Also People, a Doctor Who Virgin New Adventures novel by Ben Aaronovitch, running a T-shirt stall in the marketplace of Whynot. Blouse seems to be a direct contrast to Jackrum the small, skinny, naive man is brilliant with numbers, and in one notable scene, thinks faster than Jackrum and uses a signaling device to misdirect enemy forces, whereas Jackrum would have simply smashed the device and moved on; a sign of warfare on the Discworld changing, with intelligence and technology beginning to take the place of bravery and fighting skill. It seems at that point that Liessa is developing genuine feelings for her husband-to-be. 1 Major Discworld characters 1.1 Ankh-Morpork and The Watch 1.2 Unseen University and the Wizards 1.3 Lancre and the Witches 1.4 Death's Domain and supernatural entities 1.5 Tiffany Aching 1.6 Industrial Revolution Characters 2 Minor Discworld characters 2.1 Ankh-Morpork and The Watch 2.2 Unseen University and The Wizards 2.3 Lancre and The Witches The daughter of an engraver (who possibly appeared in Maskerade, working for Goatberger) she became a reporter for the Ankh-Morpork Times, having originally arrived at the print works to complain about the invention of moveable type. Her name is a reference to Theda Bara. Queen Ptraci I of Djelibeybi. In his memory, it was amended to read: "The pen is mightier than the sword only if the sword is very small and the pen is very sharp". The antagonist of Small Gods, Vorbis was the Head of the Omnian Quisition, holding the positions of Exquisitor and Subdeacon, the latter being the highest rank that could be held by an Exquisitor to prevent the institution from becoming "too big for its boots." These traits rather get in the way of the profession she really wants to have: hairdressing. Carcer's full name was shown in a preview of Night Watch to be Carcer Dun, but this was never revealed in the completed book. His nephew has a similar exchange with Cropper in the pages of The Discworld Almanak. His wife's name is Euphemia "Effie" King (his petname for her is "Duchess"), and their daughters are Daphne and Herminone (through whom Harry King is also a grandfather). He appears in The Last Hero, where he joins the Silver Horde on their quest to 'return fire to the gods' by blowing up the mountain. In the TV adaption of Going Postal, Gilt is portrayed by David Suchet. When Death feels in need of a break, Mort takes over The Duty. The Discworld is the fictional setting of Terry Pratchett's most iconic fantasy novel series. When the novel ends, Jackrum has reunited with her long-lost son on the advice of Polly, although she has apparently introduced herself as his father rather than his mother, on the grounds that a fat old woman showing up claiming to be his mother would just be an inconvenience, but a distinguished sergeant-major claiming to be his father would be something to be proud of. He embezzles money and murders the people who find out, blaming the murders on the Opera Ghost. He does this towards the end of Thief of Time by defeating Lobsang Ludd (then incarnated as the personification of Time) in a fair fight, in front of a crowd of higher monks. Swing always carries with him a large set of calipers and a steel ruler, with which he measures the facial characteristics of people he meets in order to determine their personal traits (phrenology). This is a list of characters from the stories of J. R. R. Tolkien, which include The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. He is known to have had a brother in berwald. He has also theorised on the physical underpinnings of monarchy, explaining royal succession by use of a particle known as a Kingon (or possibly Queon), musing about the possibility of a communications system based upon the systematic torture of a monarch (although at this point, he had been "thrown out of the bar"). When Duke Felmet murders King Verence and takes over the small country of Lancre on the Discworld, three witches are involuntarily tasked with protecting the king's baby son. These form a discussion between him and the head printer, Thomas Cropper, about the book. From then on, he renounced his clowning heritage, and went to work at the bank. Adora's family is conned out of the Grand Trunk by Reacher Gilt, forcing Adora to be employed at the Golem Trust. Adora wears what she claims are "the pointiest heels in the world" which she uses to deal with unwelcome advances. The miniseries was produced by The Mob Film Company and Sky One and it combined both The Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic. Actor David Bradley played Cohen in the 2008 The Colour of Magic miniseries. King Verence II of Lancre first appears in the sixth novel of the series, Wyrd Sisters, as the court jester of the monarch of Lancre, Duke Felmet. "Hello, my name is HodgesARRRRRGH"). Also known as Homicidal Lord Winder. With the assistance of Ignius Cutwell, a local wizard, she attempted to be crowned Queen in a fast-tracked coronation before the reality enveloping Sto Lat collapsed. The Patrician who came to power after Lord Winder following the Glorious Revolution of the Twenty-Fifth of May. He is first mentioned in The Colour of Magic. This list consists of human characters. Explore our exclusive range of sculpted Discworld characters and creations for your bookshelves, designed in our studios and created by the finest fantasy artists and craftsfolk . Everyone knows Lu-Tze's name as one of the best monks on the field, but few realise who he actually is. Earlier in the aforementioned book it is stated by Cohen that Harry began with "two lads and his Shed Of Doom". In self-imposed exile from his background of wealthy nobility, especially his father Lord de Worde, William works hard (and with varying degrees of success) to cast off the influence of his father, Lord de Worde, an arrogant speciesist,[11] Brutha is a faithful and dutiful lad, word perfect on Omnian religious texts on account of his eidetic memory but unable to read or write. He has been in employment at the bank since he was thirteen, when he came to the city with a group of travelling accountants. This belief, which is quite firm, is based on hearing his grandmother saying, during a famine, "You will be alright if you have your potato." In Jingo, it's noted that "D'reg" is not actually their name for themselves, but a name given to them by others. Appears in Pyramids; by the end of the novel she is enthusiastically embracing many of the stranger regimens, such as bathing in ass's milk, favoured by Cleopatra. The Discworld equivalent of Odysseus. Aaronovitch has confirmed that C!Mot is intended as a parallel Dibbler, although how similar he is to the original (since the People have an entirely non-capitalist society) is unknown. In Snuff, he is portrayed as an elderly man in a wheelchair, with a sunken look. The pigs galloped on. (Gollancz, 1989) 1. He also believes in the fundamental goodness of human nature and that all problems can be resolved, if all parties show good will and cooperate. He is, however, a skilled swordsman, as he does not resort to flashy swashbuckling, but instead actually attacks his opponent. Reacher Gilt appears in the novel Going Postal. Esmerelda Margaret Note Spelling of Lancre, Discworld Assassins' Guild Yearbook and Diary 2000. Nanny Ogg then tells everyone that the Fool is Tomjon's older half-brother. Initially a rather dull-witted individual, he gained something of a conscience upon being rescued from the Queen of the Elves by Tiffany. THE NIGHT IS ALWAYS OLD. Having commissioned a heatable iron turtle intended to punish those who question the shape of the world, Vorbis sentenced Brutha to be tortured upon it for disrupting his ordainment and not striking him; in a private conversation, Vorbis reveals to Brutha that he may not, in fact, truly believe in Om, saying that the Church and its empire were achieved by men rather than Om. They subsequently meet their end after a freak accident sends their carriage plunging into a ravine, as revealed in Soul Music. Like her half-brother she is keen to get in some decent plumbing. Brutha was an Ommnian novice in Small Gods. She spends much of her time in the palace kitchens, apparently because she enjoys being helpful, rather than because she is mistreated. Head of the Guild of "Seamstresses" (actually prostitutes). Its reliability is questionable; according to it, Vimes has the eye of a mass murderer (Vimes says he indeed does in his other suit) while Carcer's only problem was his environment (most likely all the dead bodies wherever he went). In the TV adaptation of Going Postal, Drumknott is portrayed by Steve Pemberton. [5] The wizards could then use punched cards to control which tubes the ants could crawl through, enabling it to perform simple mathematical functions. A war zone Hall animation of Soul Music, Slant, and his. Book it is stated that the Rusts have survived by not being romantic knows Lu-Tze 's as... Adora Belle Dearheart mentioned that Gilt 's long-term plans involved establishing himself as Havelock Vetinari successor. Tall and skinny, with muscles like knots in string earlier in the kitchens... Tv adaption of Going Postal, Gilt is portrayed by David Suchet perplexed at the 's. A woodworm Shed of Doom '' couple share a passionate kiss to on. 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